Aarons, Dakarai I (2008) Districts Cut Back Busing, Seek Ways to Save Energy Education Week, 28(1), 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Abdal-Haqq, Ismat (1996) Making Time for Teacher Professional Development ERIC Digest , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Abramson, Paul (2008) Creative, Positive Responses to Tight Budgets School Planning & Management, 47(10), 62.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Adeyemi, Dorian (2016) Gas prices rise; school days decrease University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Allison, Bradford, Schumacher, Gary (2011) Learning Research and Community Decision Making Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 14(4), 10 10.1177/1555458911432019
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Analitis, Eva (2022) Looking four-ward University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anderson, James N (1983) An Alternative to the Four-Day Week Small School Forum, 4(3), 19.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anglum, J Cameron (2021) When five shrinks to four: Assessing the four-day school week in rural locales Phi Delta Kappan, 103(4), 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anglum, J Cameron (2021) When five shrinks to four: Assessing the four-day school week in rural locales Phi Delta Kappan, 103(4), 19 10.1177/00317217211065822
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2002) Effects of four-day school schedule undecided Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 73(9), 8.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2002) Four-day school week? Junior Scholastic, 105(3), 4.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2002) It’s Thursday School’s out! Should schools switch to a shorter schedule? Yes or No? Scholastic Action, 26(3), 4.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2003) Cutting class Scholastic Choices, 18(4), 5.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2004) Charter School Must Stay Open All Week For Full Funding Education USA, 46(1), 11.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2004) Court: Charter School Funds Can Be Cut For 4-Day Week School Law News, 32(1), 2.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2004) DEBATE: Should School Be Held Four Days a Week? Junior Scholastic, 107(3), 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2004) Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! Scholastic Action, 28(3), 6.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2005) Adolescent Sleep Needs and School Starting Times National Association of Secondary School Principals NASSP Bulletin, 89(642), 96.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2008) Going Home Early: The Impact of the Four-Day Week Scholastic Administr@tor, 8(2), 12.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2008) School Crunch Scholastic News, 77(2), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2009) Missouri senate says no to 4-day school weeks American School & University.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2009) No-School Fridays Scholastic Action, 33(1), 20.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2009) The Four-Day School Week State Legislatures, 35(3), 8.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2009) White House Reports on a Speech by President Obama to US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, March 10, 2009 The Education Digest, 74(9), 16.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2010) 9th Circuit hears appeals case on Hawaii’s ‘furlough Fridays’ Education Daily, 43(27), 4.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2010) Proposed legislation would allow 4-day weeks for Illinois school districts American School & University.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2011) Many South Dakota districts turn to four-day school weeks American School & University.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2011) School Districts Cut Costs with Four-Day Week News for You, 59(38), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2011) TALK BACK Current Events, 111(6), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2011) The Shrinking School Week Scholastic News, 80(3), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2013) Iowa District Reimagines the Five-Day School Week Education Week, 33(4), 10.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2015) Shorter school week aids learning, study finds Education USA, 12(3), 2.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2016) Impact of Four-Day School Weeks Unclear: a newspaper for members of the National Education Association NEA Today, 34(4), 12.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Anonymous (2021) Four-Day School Week Slows Learning USA Today, 150(2915), 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Arnold, Grace C Snipper (1995) Teacher Dialogues: A Constructivist Model of Staff Development Journal of Staff Development, 16(4), 34.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Ashkin, Stephen (2009) On Schedule American School & University, 81(9), 40.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Bae, Sang Hoon (2018) Concepts, Models, and Research of Extended Education International Journal for Research on Extended Education, 6(2), 153.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Bailey, John P, Hess, Frederick M (2020) A Blueprint for Back to School American Enterprise Institute.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Baines, Lawrence (2008) Learning from the World: Achieving More by Doing Less Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed for Quick Review, 73(5), 23.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Baquet, Georges, Aucouturier, Julien, Gamelin, François Xavier, Berthoin, Serge (2018) Longitudinal Follow-Up of Physical Activity During School Recess: Impact of Playground Markings Frontiers in public health, 6283 103389/fpubh2018.00283
Ineligible context - not in United States
Baquet, Georges, Ridgers, Nicola D, Blaes, Aurélie, Aucouturier, Julien, Van Praagh, Emmanuel, Berthoin, Serge (2014) Objectively assessed recess physical activity in girls and boys from high and low socioeconomic backgrounds BMC public health, 14192 10.1186/1471-2458-14-192
Ineligible context - not in United States
Barrows, Alice (1922) First National Conference on the Work-Study-Play or Platoon Plan Bulletin, 1922, No 35 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Bauman, Paul (1983) The Four-Day School Week Issuegram 14 , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Bayliss, Sarah (1989) 4-day week borough goes staff hunting The Times Educational Supplement, (3791).
Ineligible context - not in United States
Beesley, Andrea D, Anderson, Carmon (2007) The Four-Day School Week: Information and Recommendations The Rural Educator, 29(1), 1035608/ruraledv29i1.939
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Bellei, Cristian (2009) Does Lengthening the School Day Increase Students’ Academic Achievement? Results from a Natural Experiment in Chile Economics of Education Review, 28(5), 629 101016/jeconedurev200901.008
Ineligible context - not in United States
Bennett, Richard (2005) A case study of the impact of a four-day week on classroom practice , 86.
Ineligible context - not in United States
Bevevino, Mary M, Snodgrass, Dawn M (1998) Revisiting Cooperative LearningAnd Making It Work: Success with Cooperative Learning at the Secondary Level NASSP Bulletin, 82(597), 64.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Bingham, Andrea J (2019) A Look at Personalized Learning: Lessons Learned Kappa Delta Pi Record, 55(3), 124 101080/002289582019.1622383
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Blaes, Aurelie, Ridgers, Nicola D, Aucouturier, Julien, Van Praagh, Emmanuel, Berthoin, Serge, Baquet, Georges (2013) Effects of a playground marking intervention on school recess physical activity in French children Preventive Medicine, 57(5), 580 101016/jypmed201307.019
Ineligible context - not in United States
Blankenship, Ted (1984) Update: These School Systems Swear by the Four-Day School Week because Students Work Harder and Face Fewer Distractions , 32.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Blazer, Christie (2018) Middle School Redesign Information Capsule Volume 1803 , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Blose, David T, Alves, Henry F (1941) Biennial Survey of Education in the United States, 1936-1938 Bulletin, 1940, No 2 Chapter II: Statistics of State School Systems, 1937-38 US Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Bogue, R (2013) BOGUE: Against the four-day week University Wire.
Ineligible context - not K-12 schools
Bonner, H R (1920) Statistics of City School Systems, 1917-18 Bulletin, 1920, No 24 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Bossert, Philip J (1996) Understanding the Technologies of Our Learning Environments NASSP Bulletin, 80(582), 11.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Bradford, James C, Jr (1993) Making Year-Round Education (YRE) Work in Your District: A Nationally Recognized Single Track High School Model , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Brosnan, Peter, Goel, Anuva (2011) Working for the Weekend? Current Events, 111(3), 7.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Brown, Emily Ann (2015) Shorter school week aids learning, study finds Education Daily, 48(153), 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Brown, Katie, Brown, Steve (2005) CLASSROOM SCHEDULING: METHODS, MODELS AND LIMITATIONS Allied Academies International Conference Academy of Educational Leadership Proceedings, 10(1), 5.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Burns, Dion, Bae, Soung, Snyder, Jon D (2017) “The Kids Benefit from It, so It’s Worth It”: Time for Teaching and Learning at SMASH Teachers’ Time: Collaborating for Learning, Teaching, and Leading , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Bush, Vanessa (2008) Time to Learn: How a New School Schedule Is Making Smarter Kids, Happier Parents, and Safer Neighborhoods The Booklist, 104(16), 11.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Byrne, J (2010) Daley turns thumbs-down on four-day school week: Daley turns thumbs-down on four-day school week Clout Street [Chicago Tribune - BLOG].
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Campbell, Wedless (2006) The shortened week is a poor fit for urban education American Teacher, 90(5), 4.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Canady, R Lynn, Fogliani, A Elaine (1989) Cut Class Size in Half without Hiring More Teachers Executive Educator, 11(8), 22.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Canady, Robert Lynn, Rettig, Michael D (1995) The Power of Innovative Scheduling , 4.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Cardinale, Nelly (2013) Examining the transition to a four-day school week and investigating post-change faculty/staff work-life balance: A community college case study , 215.
Ineligible context - not K-12 schools
Carlson, Robert V (1994) A Case Study of the Impact of a State-Level Policy Designed To Improve Rural Schools in the State of Vermont Occasional Paper No 36 , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Carr, Pamela (2022) An Investigation into the Barriers to Enrollment in New Hampshire Secondary Career and Technical Education .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Carrera, Catherine (2023) Chalkbeat: Newark superintendent pushes back on unions call for extra two days off Chalkbeat.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Castle, Shari, And Others (1992) Doubts & Certainties: A Forum on School Transformation from the NEA National Center for Innovation, Vol 7, No 2 Doubts & Certainties, 7(2), 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Cawelti, Gordon (1993) Restructuring Large High Schools to Personalize Learning for All , 17.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Chmelynski, Carol (2003) Four-day school weeks? Only if they fit The Education Digest, 68(5), 58.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Clark, Carrie, Hunley, Allen (2007) Freshman Academies on a SHOESTRING Principal Leadership, 7(7), 41.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Cobb, Andrea, Rockholt, Cindy, Miller, Michaela W, Jeffries-Simmons, Tennille (2019) School Day Task Force Report to the Legislature , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Council of Educational Facility Planners, International (1980) Energy Use in Community Schools A Report , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Curtis, Victoria (2003) Court: Charter School Funds Can Be Cut For 4-Day Week Education Daily, 36(233), 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Cypriot Authorities (1988) Primary Education in Cyprus Project No 8: Innovation in Primary Education , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Daruvalla, Abi (1999) Outcry over shorter week The Times Educational Supplement, (4333), 14.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Deffenbaugh, W S (1938) Biennial Survey of Education in the United States, 1934-1936 Bulletin, 1937, No 2 Volume I Chapter VI: Effects of the Depression upon Public Elementary and Secondary Schools and upon Colleges and Universities Office of Education, United States Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Delvolvé, N, Davila, W (1994) Effets de la semaine de classe de quatre jours sur l’éléve [The effects of a 4-day school week on elementary school students’ cognitive state during the school day] Enfance, 4400 103406/enfan1994.3434
Ineligible publication - not in English
Department of the Interior Bureau of Education (1920) Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the National Council of Primary Education, Chicago, Illinois, February 25, 1919 Bulletin, 1919, No 69 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Department of the Interior Bureau of Education (1925) A Manual of Educational Legislation for the Guidance of Committees on Education in the State Legislatures Bulletin, 1924, No 36 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Department of the Interior Bureau of Education (1925) Statistics of City School Systems, 1921-22 Bulletin, 1924, No 34 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Department of the Interior Bureau of Education (1926) Survey of Education in Utah Bulletin, 1926, No 18 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Department of the Interior Bureau of Education (1927) A Manual of Educational Legislation Bulletin, 1926, No 22 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Department of the Interior Bureau of Education (1927) Biennial Survey of Education, 1922-1924 Bulletin, 1926, No 23 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Department of the Interior Bureau of Education (1927) Rural School Supervision: Abstracts of Addresses Delivered at the Second Conference of Supervisors of the Southeastern States Held at Raleigh, North Carolina, December 6 and 7, 1926 Bulletin, 1927, No 24 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Department of the Interior Bureau of Education (1927) Statistics of State School Systems, 1925-26 Bulletin, 1927, No 39 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Diegmueller, Karen (1991) Recession Prompting Districts to Consider 4-Day School Weeks Education Week, 10(24), 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Dismuke, Diane (1992) Four-day week comes to school: a newspaper for members of the National Education Association NEA Today, 11(4), 15.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Division of Educational Statistics Bureau of Educational Research and Development (1962) Digest of Educational Statistics, 1962 Bulletin, 1963, No 10 OE-10024 Office of Education, US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Dixon, A (2011) Focus on the alternative school calendar: Year-round school programs and update on the four-day school week .
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Dixon, Asenith (2010) Focus on the School Calendar Challenge to Lead Series , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Dolge, Adam (2011) Rural districts work to turn challenges into advantages Education Daily, 44(80), 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Dolge, Adam (2012) Florida district seeks 4-day week to bridge budget gap Education Daily, 45(15), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Dolge, Adam (2014) Report: Many ESEA waiver states miss out on ELT potential Education Daily, 47(4), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Domers, Ted (2017) Creating Good Problems: Redesigning High School for College Success Phi Delta Kappan, 99(3), 25 10.1177/0031721717739589
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Donis-Keller, Christine (2010) The 4-Day School Week The Informed Educator Series , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Donis-Keller, Christine, Silvernail, David L (2009) Review of Evidence on Four-Day School Week .
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Dougherty, John W (1980) Scheduling Problems Caused by Declining Enrollments NASSP Bulletin, 64(436), 110.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Durr, Greta (2003) Four-day school week? State Legislatures, 29(5), 21.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Editorial Projects in Education (2016) District Goes to 4-Day Week To Help Struggling Students Education Week, 35(22).
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Edmonson, J B, Bow, Warren E, Van Tassell, Irvin (1924) The Daily Schedule in the High School Bulletin, 1924, No 15 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Education Commission of the States (2011) A State Policymaker’s Guide to Expanding Learning Time Education Commission of the States, 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Education Resource Strategies (2020) The Economics of Transitioning from Remote to In-Person School: 3 District Planning Levers for Increasing In-Person Learning (When It’s Safe) .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Egbert, James C (1922) University Summer Schools Bulletin, 1922, No 31 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Elliott, Edward C (1910) State School Systems: III Legislation and Judicial Decisions Relating to Public Education, October 1, 1908, to October 1, 1909 Bulletin, 1910, No 2 Whole Number 438 United States Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Ellis, George Humphries, III (2004) A comparison between selected 4 x 4 block schedule schools and seven-period traditional schools as measured by the public schools in North Carolina End of Course tests in algebra and biology , 95.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Evans, Nic (2017) Chalk Talks - When Adequate Is Not Adequate Journal of Law and Education, 46(2), 285.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
ExcelinEd (2020) Reopening Schools after COVID-19 Closures: Considerations for States .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Farbman, David (2012) The Case for Improving and Expanding Time in School: A Review of Key Research and Practice , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Featherstone, Helen (1991) The Rewards of a Four-Day School Week Principal, 71(1), 28.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Fett, Brianna, Fego, Anthony (2011) Shorten the School Week? Scholastic News, 68(8), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Fett, Brianna, Fego, Anthony (2011) Shorten the School Week? Scholastic News, 80(3), 7.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Ford, Colby, Boymandjia, Christine (2010) DEBATE OF THE WEEK Scholastic News, 78(19), 7.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Ford, Colby, Boymandjia, Christine (2010) Four-Day School Weeks? Scholastic News, 72(19), 7.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Foster, Emery M, Herlihy, Lester B, Comstock, Lula M, Isdell, Julia E, Deffenbaugh, Walter S (1933) Biennial Survey of Education in the United States, 1930-1932 Bulletin, 1933, No 2 Chapter II: Statistics of City School Systems for the Year 1931-32 Office of Education, United States Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Fox, Jill Englebright (1999) “It’s Time To Go Home!” Reframing Dismissal Routines Dimensions of Early Childhood, 27(3), 11.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Friedman, Hershey, Hampton-Sosa, William, Friedman, Linda Weiser (2014) Solving the Mega-Crisis in Education: Concrete, Cost-Effective Solutions Journal of Educational Technology, 10(4), 6.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
GASSE, W (1963) [The physician and the 5-day school] Der Offentliche Gesundheitsdienst, 2594.
Ineligible publication - not in English
Gaines, Gale F (2008) Focus on the School Calendar: The Four-Day School Week , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Gallardo, Veronica Maria, Reyna, Sylvia, Ledesma, Lupe, Isais-Garcia, Armando, González, Carlos (2020) Reopening Washington Schools 2020: Guidance for Supporting Migrant Students under Title I, Part C Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Gareau, Marianne, Kennedy, Colleen (1991) Structure Time and Space to Promote Pursuit of Learning in the Primary Grades Young Children, 46(4), 46.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Gill, Brian P, Goyal, Ravi, Hotchkiss, John (2020) Operating Schools in a Pandemic: Predicted Effects of Opening, Quarantining, and Closing Strategies .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Goodykoontz, Bess (1940) Biennial Survey of Education in the United States, 1934-1936 Bulletin, 1937, No 2 Volume I Chapter I: Elementary Education, 1930-1936 Office of Education, United States Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Greenberg, Glenn (2008) Bye Bye, Bus! Scholastic News, 65(2), 2.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Gross, Betheny, Opalka, Alice, Gundapaneni, Padma (2020) Getting Back to School: An Update on Plans from across the Country .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Hanson, Havala, Yoon, Sun Young (2018) Idaho’s Educator Landscape: How Is the State’s Teacher Workforce Responding to Its Students’ Needs? , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Harnischfeger, Annegret (1980) Curricular Control and Learning Time: District Policy, Teacher Strategy, and Pupil Choice Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2(6), 19.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Harnischfeger, Annegret, Wiley, David E (1978) Classroom Control: Room and Time for Improvement Educational Technology.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Harp, Lonnie (1990) Mississippi Schools Are Bracing for Funding ‘Crisis’ Education Week, 10(10), 14.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Harp, Lonnie (1995) Four-day week finds a niche in the rural West Education Week, 14(35), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Harvard Education Press (2017) Learning Time: In Pursuit of Educational Equity , 300.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Harvey, Gillian (2017) A four-day week? C’est magnifique! The Times Educational Supplement, (5266).
Ineligible context - not in United States
Heitin, Liana (2015) Four-Day School Week Linked to Gains in Math: “Does Shortening the School Week Impact Student Performance?: Evidence From the Four-Day School Week” Education Week, 35(4).
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Henton, Deb (2015) Four-Day Talking Points School Administrator, 72(1), 32.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Henton, Deborah M (2015) The Four-Day School Week School Administrator, 72(1), 28.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Herlihy, Lester B, Deffenbaugh, Walter S (1938) Biennial Survey of Education in the United States, 1934-1936 Bulletin, 1937, No 2 Volume II Chapter III: Statistics of City School Systems, 1935-36 Office of Education, United States Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Herlihy, Lester B, Deffenbaugh, Walter S, Covert, Timon (1941) Biennial Survey of Education in the United States, 1936-1938 Bulletin, 1940, No 2 Chapter III: Statistics of City School Systems, 1937-38 US Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Hess, Frederick M (2023) Rethinking school time Phi Delta Kappan, 104(7), 36 10.1177/00317217231168261
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Heyward, G (2017) A User’s Guide to the Four-Day School Week: How to Assess District Readiness and Evaluate the Results .
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Heyward, Georgia (2018) What Do We Actually Know about the Four-Day School Week? .
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Heyward, Georgia, McCann, Sarah, Gross, Betheny (2021) States and School Systems Can Act Now to Dismantle Silos between High School, College, and Career .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Hill, Nancy, Gayle, Latoya (2020) Engaging Parents and Families to Support the Recovery of Districts and Schools Brief No 12 .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Hill, Paul T, Heyward, Georgia (2017) A troubling contagion: The rural 4-day school week The Brown Center Chalkboard [BLOG].
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Hill, Paul T, Heyward, Georgia L (2018) The Contagion of the Four-Day Week School Administrator, 75(6), 34.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Hill, Paul, Heyward, Georgia (2018) A Primer on the Four-Day School Week School Administrator, 75(6), 36.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Hill, Paul, Heyward, Georgia (2018) Advice for the Move to Four Days School Administrator, 75(6), 37.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Hirsch, Eric, Emerick, Scott (2007) Teacher Working Conditions Are Student Learning Conditions: A Report on the 2006 North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Hoffman, Matt (2015) 4-day school week success varies across Montana University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Holt, Laura L, Karr-Kidwell, PJ (1998) Administrative Problems in the Single-Track Year-Round High Schools: Research Findings and Guidelines , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Holt, M (2001) Backtalk Phi Delta Kappan, 82(7), 563.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Howard, Frank R (1981) A Small School District Big on Energy Conservation Small School Forum, 3(1), 8.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Hugill, Barry (1989) Parents sue borough over four-day week The Times Educational Supplement, (3789).
Ineligible context - not in United States
Hull, Ray (1980) The Small Secondary Schools: Mechanisms for Making Less Do More , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Hurtt, Alexandria, Cohen, Kramer, Reed, Sherrie (2021) Early Pandemic Response in California: Identifying the Structural and Instructional Changes in K-12 .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Jenkins, Joseph R, Gorrafa, Sheila (1973) The Four Day School Week: Scheduling Effects The Journal of Educational Research, 66(10), 479.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Johnston, Robert C (1997) A matter of time: Schools try four-day weeks Education Week, 17(13), 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Jordan, Phyllis (2022) FutureEd: In Dallas, Bold Changes to the School Calendar to Address Covid Slide FutureEd.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Karweit, Nancy (1982) Time on Task: A Research Review Report No 332 , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Kaufman, Betsy B (1978) Education: Language and Snow Days ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 35(4), 425.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Kennedy, Mike (2018) Pueblo (Colo) City Schools adopts 4-day-a-week schedule American School & University.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Killion, Joellen (2016) Establish Time for Learning: Finding Time to Collaborate Takes Creativity and Commitment Journal of Staff Development, 37(3), 26.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Kimmet, James L (1986) Rural Inservice Using Alternate Scheduling , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Klein, Alyson (2020) Smart Scheduling Puts Students’ Needs First: The principal of a school in Kentucky went back to the drawing board on his school’s schedule after hearing author Daniel Pink talk about what children really need Education Week, 39(23), 20.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Klein, Alyson (2020) There Are Smart Ways to Use Time to Aid Learning, Research Shows Why Do So Many Schools Ignore Them?: Of all the resources schools need, time may be the most underappreciated While a growing body of research offers best practices for using time wisely in schools, a range of logistical and bureaucratic barriers often get in the way Education Week, 39(23), 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Koki, Stan (1992) Modified School Schedules: A Look at the Research and the Pacific , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Kopmels, Dook (1988) Primary Education in the United Kingdom Project No 8: “Innovation in Primary Education” , 1.
Ineligible context - not in United States
Koumpilova, Mila (2023) Chalkbeat: The proposed Chicago school calendar for 2023-24 is out Chalkbeat.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Kraft, MA, Novicoff, S (2022) Instructional Time in US Public Schools: Wide Variation, Causal Effects, and Lost Hours .
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Krchak, Luke (2022) Opinion | Four-day school week would improve mental health for students University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Kuindzhi, N N, Mirskaia, N B, Fal’kovskaia, N M (1992) [Hygienic assessment of experimental teaching of schoolchildren: 5-day school week] Gigiena i sanitariia, (1), 35.
Ineligible publication - not in English
Kuzmich, Holly (2020) Rethink the School Day and Year Sketching a New Conservative Education Agenda .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Kuzmich, Holly (2021) Reimagining School: Rethink the School Day and Year to Better Serve Students and Families What’s Next: Policy Recommendations from the Bush Institute .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Larson, Joanne, Duret, Eleni, Rees, Jennifer, Anderson, Jessica (2021) Challenging the Autonomous Wall: Literacy Work in an Urban High School Journal of Literacy Research, 53(2), 174 10.1177/1086296X211009279
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Lewis, Anne C (2008) Effects of NCLB’s Focus on Reading and Math The Education Digest, 73(8), 71.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Lewis, Chance W, Dugan, James J, Winokur, Marc A, Cobb, R Brian (2005) The Effects of Block Scheduling on High School Academic Achievement National Association of Secondary School Principals NASSP Bulletin, 89(645), 72.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Lewis, Jared R, Husted, Jessica L, Haniger, Jason T, Davis, Derald E (2016) A Project Focusing on Superintendents’ Knowledge of Evidence-Based Practices of Structuring Time for Student Learning , 146.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Lieberman, Mark (2020) 6 Big Barriers to Restructuring School Schedules: Before districts can overhaul a traditional school schedule, they’re likely to face a wide variety of obstacles, including staff and parent objections, transportation challenges, and more Education Week, 39(23), 17.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Lieberman, Mark (2022) A Finance Officer Who Anticipates the Worst and Plans for the Best Education Week, 41(22).
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Litke, C Del (1994) Implementing the modified four-day school week Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 40(3), 271.
Ineligible context - not in United States
Long, Cindy (2016) Four-Day School Weeks More Popular, but Impact on Students and Educators Unclear: a newspaper for members of the National Education Association NEA Today, 35(1), 22.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Lunneblad, Johannes (2017) Integration of Refugee Children and Their Families in the Swedish Preschool: Strategies, Objectives and Standards European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 25(3), 359 101080/1350293X2017.1308162
Ineligible context - not K-12 schools
Lynch, Sarah B (2021) Marking Time, Making Community in Medieval Schools History of Education Quarterly, 61(2), 158 101017/heq2021.7
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
MacDonald, Carol (2008) District’s teachers work 5 days in 4-day school week Education Daily, 41(183), 6.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Maddy Bynes (2015) Column: A week solution for schools University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Malik, S (2021) Four-day school weeks could be a valuable alternative to hustle culture University Wire.
Ineligible context - not K-12 schools
Manning, Stephen (2007) House work The Times Educational Supplement, (4741).
Ineligible context - not in United States
Mansell, Warwick (2001) Minister challenged over four-day week The Times Educational Supplement, (4440), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Marx, Gary E (2007) Four-Day Week Schedule Research Brief , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
May, Tania, Toney, Alexandra, Collyer, Lee, Stewart, Liz, Lynn, Rebecca, Kitzke, Paula, Story, Jennifer, Guzman, Ryan (2020) Reopening Washington Schools 2020: Special Education Guidance Updated Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
McCormack, Patricia M, IHM (2015) Structure the Home Environment for School Success Today’s Catholic Teacher, 48(6), 60.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
McDonnell, Maureen, Jackson, Jodi (1999) The Close Up Capital Experience: Middle Schoolers Travel to Washington, DC Clearing House, 72(6), 385.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
McGorry, Eugene, McGorry, Susan Y (1998) Intensive Scheduling: A Hybrid Model for the Junior High Clearing House, 71(3), 149.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
McPartland, James M, And Others (1987) School Structures and Classroom Practices in Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Schools Report No 14 , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
McShane, Michael Q (2021) Hybrid Homeschooling: A Guide to the Future of Education .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Meade, Edward J, Jr (1985) School-Focused Development of Teachers On-the-Job , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Megan Austin, Zena Rudo and Ryan Williams (2020) District Changes in Student Achievement and Local Practice under Georgia’s District and School Flexibility Policy Appendixes REL 2021-051 .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Miles, Karen Hawley (2019) Seizing the Moment for Transformation: Nine Ways School Systems Can Restructure Resources for Student Success , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Monk, David H (1988) Disparities in Curricular Offerings: Issues and Policy Alternatives for Small Rural Schools Policy Issues , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Moore, Deborah P (2011) Saving Money School Planning & Management, 50(6), 6.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Morales, Tammie Arlene (2018) Raising the Bar for Student Success: A Comparative Study of Traditional versus Non-Traditional School Calendars and Student Academic Achievement , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Mrowka, Karyn Anne Kowalski (2014) Academic Stress in an Achievement Driven Era: Time and School Culture , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Muir, Mike (2013) The Four Day School Week Research Brief , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Mulholland, Rosie, McKinlay, Andy, Sproule, John (2017) Teachers in Need of Space: The Content and Changing Context of Work Educational Review, 69(2), 181 101080/001319112016.1184131
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Murrell-Speed, Donna L (2006) History shows it’s worth considering in some schools American Teacher, 90(5), 4.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Musson, Mia (2023) Independence Schools shifting to a four-day school week University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
National Education Association of the United States (1987) Year-Round Schools “What Research Says About:” Series, Number 8 National Education Association Data-Search , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
National Education Commission on Time and Learning (1994) Prisoners of Time , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Nazareno, Lori (2016) 4 Steps for Redesigning Time for Student and Teacher Learning Phi Delta Kappan, 98(4), 21 10.1177/0031721716681772
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
New Jersey State Department of Education (1980) Energy Conservation Guidelines - 1: District Level Plan for Conservation , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Newstex (2015) Eye On Boise: Examining the four-day school week, as more Idaho districts adopt it Eye on Boise [The Spokesman-Review, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho - BLOG].
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Newstex (2015) Eye On Boise: New study finds four-day school weeks don’t save school districts money Eye on Boise [The Spokesman-Review, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho - BLOG].
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Newstex (2015) Eye On Boise: One Idaho school district debates switching back from 4-day week to five Eye on Boise [The Spokesman-Review, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho - BLOG].
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Newstex (2015) Eye On Boise: Ybarra unconcerned about 4-day school weeks, says it’s a local decision Eye on Boise [The Spokesman-Review, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho - BLOG].
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Nowakowski, James A (1980) Hidden Opportunities in Declining Enrollments American School and University, 52(8), 40.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
O’Laughlin, Jeanne (1982) Future of Catholic Schools: A Perception Education, 102(4), 322.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
O’Neil, I Riley, Adamson, David R (1993) When Less Is More , 39.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
OECD (2011) Quality Time for Students: Learning in and out of School , 272.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
OECD (2016) How Is Learning Time Organised in Primary and Secondary Education? Education Indicators in Focus No 38 , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Oberle, Eva, Zeni, Megan, Munday, Fritha, Brussoni, Mariana (2021) Support Factors and Barriers for Outdoor Learning in Elementary Schools: A Systemic Perspective American Journal of Health Education, 52(5), 251 101080/193250372021.1955232
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Ondrasek, Naomi, Truong, Natalie, Edgerton, Adam K (2021) Marin County: Leveraging Education and Public Health Partnerships to Support School Reopening Research Brief .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Ineligible context - not in United States
Paskill, Ashley (2022) Back To School: The Nanny Conundrum University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Peetz, Caitlynn (2022) The Learning Recovery Strategy Districts Are Overlooking Education Week, 42(14).
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Perreault, George, Isaacson, Nancy (1996) Learning from Schools with Restructured Schedules Clearing House, 69(5), 265.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Peña, Mauricio (2023) Chalkbeat: Chicago Public Schools will start before Labor day this fall Chalkbeat.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Phi Delta Kappan (2018) The 50th Annual PDK Poll of the Public’s Attitudes toward the Public Schools Teaching: Great Respect, Dwindling Appeal Phi Delta Kappan, 100(1), 1 10.1177/0031721718797117
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Plucker, Jonathan A, Cierniak, Katherine, Chamberlin, Molly (2012) The Four-Day School Week: Nine Years Later .
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Poe, Hannah, Craighead, Hank (2009) Four-Day School Weeks? Scholastic News, 77(19), 7.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Pompeo, Joe (1981) Here’s a Four-day Week That Works American School Board Journal, 168(11), 37.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Prater, Jake (2022) West Nodaway, Nodaway-Holt switch to four-day school week in hopes of bringing in more teachers University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Pérez, Erika (2023) CPS high school students return to classrooms after more than a year of virtual learning University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Rasenberger, Willy, Rasenberger, Jack (2005) DEBATE OF THE WEEK: A Four-Day School Week? Scholastic News, 68(7), 7.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Rasenberger, Willy, Rasenberger, Jack (2005) DEBATE of the Week: Four-day School Week? Scholastic News, 74(7), 7.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Raygor, Brian J (2017) Elementary Science Instruction: Analysis of Teacher Self-Efficacy, Teacher Experience, Schedule Structure, Instructional Time, and Student Achievement , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Reeves, Cynthia, Emerick, Scott, Hirsch, Eric (2006) Creating Non-Instructional Time for Elementary School Teachers: Strategies from Schools in North Carolina , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Reeves, Kimberly (1999) The four-day school week School Administrator, 56(3), 30.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Reinhard, Mary Jo (2017) Pagosa Springs Elementary School: A Study of Teachers’ Collaborative Use of Time Teachers’ Time: Collaborating for Learning, Teaching, and Leading , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Richard, Alan (2002) Rural schools see dividends in four-day week Education Week, 22(4), 6.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Richburg, Robert W, Sjogren, Douglas D (1983) The Four-Day Week— What Are the Advantages for Schools? NASSP Bulletin, 67(459), 60 10.1177/019263658306745911
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Riley, Richard W, Peterson, Terry K (2009) Before the “Either-Or” Era: Reviving Bipartisanship to Improve America’s Schools Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed for Quick Review, 74(5), 9.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Robles, Yesenia (2023) Chalkbeat: Four-day school week in 27J schools had negative impacts, study suggests Chalkbeat.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Rosenberg, Merri (2015) What Math Says About Four-Day Week Savings School Administrator, 72(1), 30.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Rowland, Judy (2014) How Does Education in My State Compare? What Every Governor, Chief, Legislator, or Other Elected Official Needs to Know? , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Rozny Sarah (2020) First Person: An unexpected goodbye Phi Delta Kappan, 102(2), 58 10.1177/0031721720963235
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Ruppanner, Leah (2013) Conflict between Work and Family: An Investigation of Four Policy Measures Social Indicators Research, 110(1), 327 10.1007/s11205-011-9933-3
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Rury, John L (1988) The Variable School Year: Measuring Differences in the Length of American School Terms in 1900 Journal of Research and Development in Education, 21(3), 29.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Ryan, Molly (2009) Four-Day School Week .
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Sawchuk, Stephen (2021) 4-Day School Weeks: New Research Examines the Benefits and Drawbacks Education Week, 41(11).
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Schank, Susan Kneib, York, Paula (2009) Should schools adopt four-day schedules? American Teacher, 93(8), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Schwartz, Brooke (2017) Review committee discusses 13-week schedule, four day school week University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Schwartz, Heather L, Diliberti, Melissa Kay (2021) School Districts Have Expanded Their Nonacademic Services for 2021-2022, While Academic Offerings Remain Much the Same: Selected Findings from the Third American School District Panel Survey Data Note: Insights from the American Educator Panels Research Report RR-A956-4 .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Schwartz, Heather L, Diliberti, Melissa Kay, Berdie, Lisa, Grant, David, Hunter, Gerald P, Setodji, Claude Messan (2021) Urban and Rural Districts Showed a Strong Divide during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from the Second American School District Panel Survey Research Report RR-A956-2 .
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Schwartz, Sarah (2022) Schools Want to ‘Accelerate’ Student Learning Here’s What That Means Education Week, 41(27).
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Schwartzbeck, Terri Duggan (2003) Declining Counties, Declining School Enrollments , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Scott, Victor (1999) Time and Civility: Sounding Board American School Board Journal, 186(1), 43.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Shultz, Glen F (1982) An Addendum to Kindergarten Scheduling: Full Day - Alternate Days or Half Day - Every Day A Follow-Up Report , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Silva, Elena (2010) Rebuild It and They Will Come Educational Leadership, 67(8), 60.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Sorensen, Joshua (2009) The perceived effects of a four-day workweek and employer-sponsored child care on affective organizational commitment , 37.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Sparks, Sarah D (2018) School Schedules: “What Do We Actually Know About the Four-Day School Week?” Education Week, 37(35).
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Sparks, Sarah D (2020) Time and Schools: What the Research Says: A number of studies over the past decade offer best practices and solutions for making better use of time in the school day to aid student learning Education Week honed in on several that have definitive findings and focus on areas that might be actionable and effective for K-12 Education Week, 39(23), 16.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Sparks, Sarah D (2021) What’s the Least Risky Hybrid Model to Bring Students Back to School? Education Week, 40(26).
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Sparks, Sarah D (2023) 4 Studies to Know on 4-Day School Weeks Education Week, 42(25).
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Special Commission on Early Childhood (1995) Children First: A Plan for an Early Care and Education System for Massachusetts Report of the Special Commission on Early Childhood , 1.
Ineligible context - not K-12 schools
Spencer, Carol J, And Others (1983) Manage the Development of Master Schedules Module LT-B-3 of Category B–Instructional Management Competency-Based Vocational Education Administrator Module Series , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Statistical Division of the Bureau of Education (1920) Private High Schools and Academies, 1917-18 Bulletin, 1920, No 3 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Stewart, William (2003) Desperately seeking L25 billion The Times Educational Supplement, (4531), 10.
Ineligible context - not in United States
Stuckman, Jeffrey A (1981) The Four-Day Operational Week Experience at Florida Junior College (FJC): Report of Evaluation Process Study , 1.
Ineligible context - not K-12 schools
Szelag, Brittney, Alvarado, Andrew (2004) Four-day school week? Scholastic News, 66(4), 7.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
THE World Universities Insights Limited (2019) The four-day week: will it catch on in academia? Times Higher Education, (THE 2404).
Ineligible context - not K-12 schools
Taie, Soheyla, Goldring, Rebecca (2019) Characteristics of Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools in the United States: Results from the 2017-18 National Teacher and Principal Survey First Look NCES 2019-140 , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
The Collegian (2016) The state of Oklahoma schools: the four day week 31 October 2016 University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
The Surnmerbridge National Project (1993) Summerbridge San Francisco Established 1978 at San Francisco University High School Information Packet , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
The University of the State of New York (1978) A Study of School Calendars , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
The University of the State of New York (1978) Energy Saving Practices in Schools Technical Report No 4 of a Study of School Calendars , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
The University of the State of New York (1978) Energy Sources, Costs and Availability Technical Report No 1 of a Study of School Calendars , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
The University of the State of New York (1978) Learning, Retention and Forgetting Technical Report No 5 of a Study of School Calendars , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
The University of the State of New York (1978) School Calendars and Energy Use Technical Report No 3 of a Study of School Calendars A Study of the Energy Implications of Nine School Calendars in “Typical” New York State Elementary Schools , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
The University of the State of New York (1978) Teacher Attendance Patterns Technical Report No 7 of a Study of School Calendars , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Thompson, Paul N (2021) The Shrinking School Week: Effects of a four-day schedule on student achievement Education Next.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Thompson, Paul, Morton, Emily (2021) 4-day school weeks: Educational innovation or detriment? The Brown Center Chalkboard [BLOG].
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Turner, Jon (2022) Missouri suburban district copies rural four-day school week strategy to attract teachers University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
UWIRE Text (2016) Stanley County School Board won’t consider 5-day school week University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Uloop, Inc (2019) When Five Days Becomes Four University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Veil, J (2022) Four is better than five: A push for a four-day school week University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Virginia Department of Education (1992) Instructional Time and Student Learning: A Study of the School Calendar and Instructional Time , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Vokey, Scott (2022) Can local governments embrace a four-day week? Municipal World, 132(7), 11.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Vu, Connie, Miles, Alexander (2014) DeBaTe: Should the School Week Be Shorter? Scholastic News, 83(3), 7.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Wahlstrom, Kyla L (1999) The Prickly Politics of School Starting Times Phi Delta Kappan, 80(5), 344.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Waite, Mary G (1926) The Kindergarten in Certain City School Surveys Bulletin, 1926, No 13 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Ward, Helen (2003) Essex snubs Easter schools The Times Educational Supplement, (4532), 12.
Ineligible context - not in United States
Wasley, Patricia A (1997) Alternative Schedules: What, How, and to What End? Our Children, 22(5), 38.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Watts, Gary D, Castle, Shari (1993) The Time Dilemma in School Restructuring , 306.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Weisburg, Hilda K, Toor, Ruth (2004) We’re going to flexible scheduling – Now what? School Librarian’s Workshop, 25(2), 9.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
White, Madison (2018) Tarleton students get five day weekend University Wire.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
White, William D (1993) Why a Year Round School District Moved from a Multi-Track to a Single Track Operation , 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Whittle, Chris (2005) Crash Course: Imagining a Better Future for Public Education Luncheon Series , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Windes, Eustace E (1927) Bibliography of Studies in Secondary Education Bulletin, 1927, No 27 Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior, 1.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Wolfe, Frank (2008) More districts consider switching to 4-day school week Education Daily, 41(151), 3.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Wolfe, Frank (2011) Learning time received policymakers’ attention Education Daily, 44(222), 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Wolgemuth, Jennifer R, Cobb, R Brian, Winokur, Marc A, Leech, Nancy, Ellerby, Dick (2006) Comparing Longitudinal Academic Achievement of Full-Day and Half-Day Kindergarten Students Journal of Educational Research, 99(5), 260.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Wolk, Ronald A (2011) Wasting Minds: Why Our Education System Is Failing and What We Can Do about It , 202.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Woods, Julie Rowland (2015) Instructional Time Trends Education Trends , 1.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Wormeli, Rick (2016) What to Do in Week One? Educational Leadership, 74(1), 10.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Young, Charles F, Gonzales, Lisa M (2017) Using Questions To Blow the Lid Off What’s Possible School Administrator, 74(10), 15.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Young, Raymond J, Berger, Donald E (1983) Evaluation of a Year-Round Junior High School Operation NASSP Bulletin, 67(459), 53.
Ineligible concept - not four-day school week
Zehr, Mary Ann (2001) Wyo District Board adopts 4-day week Education Week, 20(33), 4.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research
Zubrzycki, Jaclyn (2012) School Schedule: “Does Shortening the School Week Impact Student Performance? Evidence From the Four-Day School Week” Education Week, 31(24), 5.
Ineligible study design - not empirical research