4 Additional Information

4.1 Author Contributions (CRediT - Contributor Roles Taxonomy)

Conceptualization (SG), Data Curation (SDT, SG), Formal Analysis (SG, SDT), Funding Acquisition (EETS), Investigation (SG, BC, SH, SM, ED), Methodology (SG, SDT, KSF, EETS), Project Administration (SDT, SG), Resources (EETS), Software (SDT, SG), Supervision (SG, ED, EETS), Validation (SDT, SG), Visualization (SDT), Writing – Original Draft (SG), Writing – Review & Editing (SG, SDT, KSF, BC, SH, SM, ED, EETS).

4.2 Competing Interests

None disclosed.

4.3 Support

Core funding for the HEDCO Institute for Evidence-Based Educational Practice is provided by donor funds to the University of Oregon. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, preparation of this manuscript, or decisions about publication and other dissemination.

4.4 Open Science Practices

The study registration, protocol, data, code, and other materials can be accessed on the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/kqyc6/).